Android 6.0 Marshmallow Will Be Released By Next Weak

We waited for months and now it's almost here. Starting next week Android Marshmallow will start to roll out to Nexus 5, 6, 7 (2013), and 9 units. Google has not given an official release date, but the deployment should begin Monday - October 5, non-Nexus device owners should check with their respective device manufacturers to Android 6.0 Eligibility and release dates.

The company has not indicated when the Nexus images would be available for the impatient users who want to download and install the mobile operating system themselves. When the images are made public, however, you will find them on the Google developer website.

Marshmallow isn't the software overhaul that Android 5.0 Lollipop was, but it will still offer some nice features for new and longtime Android users.The phone icon on the lock screen will be replaced by a voice button, so you can boss around your phone much faster.

The new Android OS also promises to better know how to use your application. When you open the app drawer in Android 6.0, you will eventually see some applications right at the top of the screen that are not in alphabetical order. These applications are suggestions based on your past usage. If you always start at 12:30 YouTube while on lunch break, for example, you should see that the application to the top of the list at this time of day.

Android veterans should also like Doze, a feature that promises to boost battery life by 30 percent compared to the original Nexus 5 and 6 devices when the screen is off.

There are tons of small improvements like these that promise to change the Android experience and do much better.
