Google To Release New OS On October 4 Event

Google will be releasing Google Home, the biggest step from the big G to make your homes a smart home, on the October 4 event. Along with that there is something else coming to the Chrome OS and Android.

Google is preparing to combine the two OS’es into a single OS codenamed Andromeda - as of the rumors. Even though the new OS is in development stage, it is expected that a beta release will be announced on October 4.

Some Chromebooks are already able to run Android apps natively. By combining Android and ChromeOS into a new Andromeda OS, Google is planning to increase its reach to more mobile platforms. Last year, The Wall Street Journal predicted that Andromeda would be seen in 2016, and now we are in the fourth quarter of 2016. All this makes us even more excited about what Google has in store during the event on October 4
