iPhone 7 Home Button Does Not Work With Hand Gloves

With the release of iPhone 7 Apple introduced a new approach to the home button. This is a similar approach to the one used on the track pad for the latest MacBook’s. Unlike the other older iPhone model home buttons which relays on the internal mechanics, the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus comes with a new beautiful home button which relies on force sensitivity.

Now after the phones are released to the real world markets, users have played around with the handset, and a new discovery was made - the new look Home button only works with the skin-to-iPhone contact. This reports which in turn confirms that, if you plan on wearing gloves this winter time it looks like you might have to make them whip to get anywhere, although based on user tests are reported on the Web, some gloves designed for touch interfaces prove compatible.

Unlike the working of home button in Android phones, the home button in the iPhone plays an important role in the overall functionality of the device. It is used not only to unlock the phone - it gets you back to the start on iOS, you can access Siri activates multitasking and so on. Since you cannot physically push down on the button, you're out of luck with gloves.

We could expect Apple to come out with a quick fix for this problem soon, at least before the next winter.
