Apple Will Release Electric Car By 2019

Apple's electric vehicle project, once a hazy rumors, comes increasingly clear focus. A big scoop of the Wall Street Journal today gives us information about the cars team, production, and a ship-date of 2019.

The sources of the Wall Street Journal’s Daisuke Wakabayashi is anonymous. He cited "people familiar with the matter" -but Wakabayashi has already given us most of what we know data about the project. Its sources say that Apple is not only accelerating work on his car, but the car could hit the market as soon as 2019. The company called Project Titan team has given a mandate to triple in size, which the team would put employees in 1800 based on the current 600-member strong size.

What is still not clear whether Apple plans to the car itself, which is a shift from the company, which outsources normally would represent the actual make up his equipment manufacturing.

There are many unanswered questions about automotive foray from Apple. It is not clear whether Apple has a production partner to the automotive equivalent of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., the Taiwanese contract manufacturer that builds the most iPhones and became known under the trade name Foxconn. Most major automakers build and run their own factories, but that's Apple's strategy with iPhones or iPads been. Contract Production in the automotive industry is usually limited to a few niche models.

But back in February, Wakabayashi pointed out that Apple is one of the few companies in the world with the cold, hard cash to do it.

A not-altogether-surprising detail of the report is that the first iteration of the vehicle is not completely autonomous. That's no surprise, considering the dispatch quoted another detail that the WSJ is careful to cover, noting that such terminology could simply represent the completion of the product, rather than an in-store shelf life; What's more, "there is skepticism within the team that the 2019 target is achievable."

So we have lots of comments received these details, but report Wakabayashi is not the only new evidence we have about the project. In recent months we have evidence of the great movement happens on Project Titan seen, and only a few days ago, representatives of California DMV said she had met with Apple about the project. Apple's auto-comes the question now seems to be when.
