Windows 10 To Discontinue WiFi Sense

Microsoft had introduced a new feature called WiFi Sense, One of its cornerstones is the ability to share password protected Wi-Fi networks with contacts, making them more convenient to connect to our network when friends visit us. Unfortunately, there were not many people in love with the idea. Microsoft removed WiFi Sense contact sharing with its latest Windows 10 Insider preview version after observing that it is not worth working on -- low usage and low demand. It will remain untouched in slower Insider builds and regular releases of Windows 10 for now, but would disappear for all when the anniversary update comes out in the summer.

This does not mean that all of WiFi Sense features are being discontinued. It will still automatically connect you to public hotspots using crowdsourcing data, so you're safe if you primarily use the function to get online at airports and coffee shops.
