Android Adware Nearly Impossible To Remove

Lookout has found a new form of adware that can root the device automatically after installation, and then disguise itself as a system application. This makes it impossible to any normal method to eliminate it; even factory resetting the device won't help.

This is a new, more sophisticated version of typical adware, which constantly pushing advertisements on the user. Most users probably will not even know they are infected. It is an effective family of Trojan viruses.

Lookout discovered that this family of Trojans hides inside a legit apps like Candy Crush, Google Now, Facebook, NYTimes, Okta, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and more than 20,000 others. Non-Infected versions of these applications are available on the Google Play store; users will be infected only if they are installing apps from outside play store. Since most instances of this malware leave the host app virtually unaltered, users may not notice the sneaky little culprit that snuck in on it.

Once the malware gets into a device, it will be "almost impossible" to get rid of, and that the only solution for most consumers is buying a new phone. Adware with this kind of power is obviously a security risk. Apps usually do not have access to files created by other applications, but root access bypasses this protection and could highlight the infected devices to fraud and identity theft.

Although this malware is dangerous, the probability of being infected by it is probably quite low. As already mentioned, these infected apps are found in third party stores, so if you stick to official channels - you should have little to worry about.
