Stagefright 2.0 Has Become A New Therat To Android Devices

It has only been two months since google addressed the vulnerability of the world's largest software update, now the researchers who first disclosed the flaw announced again that they have discovered another serious, widespread threat to Android devices.

It is called Stage Fight 2.0, a set of two vulnerabilities that manifest when processing specially crafted MP3 audio or MP4 video files," mobile security Zimperium wrote in a blog post.

From now best tip to avoid stage fright 2.0 is to not download a free MP3 and MP4 files from unknown sites. If you are being bullied into a deal for free music or whatever, make sure to avoid it.

That said, there is no real way to completely avoid Stage Fright 2.0 if it can be positioned within third-party apps. Your best bet is to not download any apps you are unsure of now.

Google will release an update of the new hack at some point next week. It will then be rolled out within some time to Nexus devices, and then it's going to take a bit longer for the other manufacturers.

That is the main issue here - manufacturers can't get their updates fast enough to combat these problems. So the only thing we can do now is not to download unknown mp3 or mp4 files, and make sure to update your Android software as soon as it is available.
